About Us
The Honda Shop has been a staple of the town of High Prairie for over 40 years. Starting out as a Honda dealer in the early 80s and adding Arctic Cat in 2012. In 2015 the shop was purchased by Integrity Cycle Ltd, and we have continued the proud heritage of excellent service and great prices that the dealership has been known for.

Jacob Donahue started working at the shop in 2005 sweeping floors and pulling wrenches. Earning his journeyman ticket as a motorcycle mechanic in 2010. In 2015 he bought the dealership and moved into his new roll as general manager and salesman.

Tonya-lee Donahue took over our parts department in 2014, and brought our parts department up a level, making sure things are ordered on time and our customers are taken care of.
*She is Jacob's sister in-law NOT his wife!!

Brian Screpnek has been in charge of the shop since 1998, with journeyman tickets in both automotive tech, and motorcycle mechanics he knows his way around a shop.